Thursday, April 21, 2011

Friday Sub Plans

1) Have a volunteer check in homework
2) Click on the warm-up below and display it for the students to do.  Some of the kids may have worked on these problems from the unit review packet, so they may use it if they have it in the classroom (but don't let them go to their lockers to get it, they'll just have to redo it)

3)  After 5-8 minutes, play these two videos
4) Have students open their books to investigation 3.4
5) Play this video
6) Pass out the centimeter grid paper
7) Follow the instructions from the video and have student work on this investigation on their own.
8) at the end of class, have students display their juice boxes as described in the video and allow everyone a chance to look at them.
9) Either have a vote, or you can make an executive descision on which are the 3 best and let me know who the winners are.

Note:  The second class needs to send three students to each of the two kindergaten classes at 1:15.  You may pick the kids who go based on who has been the most diligent with the warm-up.  These kids still must compete the investigation before the end of class.

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