Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sub plans 1/06 - investigation 2.2

1) play warm-up video. Pause it before I give the explination. Once everyone has finished, then play the explination.
c and s inv 2 2 wu
2) have the students read aloud the investigation 2.2 from their text books.
3) have students work in partner groups on the investigation. Students tend to rush through this one and not have the correct reasoning.
KIDS: you are not done until you have found ratios that prove your answer is correct!
4) have someone check homework (clipboards are on the low grey files cabinet)
5) Play the summary video once everyone is done.
c and s inv 2.2 sum
6) if time a behavior allows, they may play mummyball. If not they can work on their homework (on the blog)
Have a good day,


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